Published On: Sun, Dec 13th, 2015

Prayer request – Spiritual leader for ACCEPT Ministry, Karnataka, India

acceptminsitryBangalore, Karnataka: Letter from Raju K. Mathew, Agape Christian assembly & Accept ministry, Bangalore, India

Dear prayer partners and God’s saints,

As many of you know Lord used me with other God’s people in some small way to start Agape Christian Assembly in 1997 and Accept ministry as an outreach of Agape in 1999. Accept was started with a team of 7 believers from different assemblies in the board, currently we have 10 believers from 4 different assemblies in Bangalore in the board. I have served as Chairman of this ministry with all my failures to mostly be here and manage it with a team of 22 staff under an administrator. My time was mostly invested in this ministry on a voluntary basis along with the assembly responsibility and limited ministry in other assemblies. It has been 16 years since the inception of this ministry and it has impacted many lives for the Lord and also in sharing the gospel.

It has been my thought and burden that it is time someone else come forward and lead this ministry on a daily basis. I would like to invest more in the local assembly and help in other small assemblies where my help may be useful. I will continue to be a help in Accept in spiritual matters, any counsel needed, as a volunteer etc. I feel that others coming forward will help the ministry to be more effective and I would like to turn over the responsibility with clear authority and guidance to others while I am still healthy and able.

Therefore I have informed this desire to the board and am asking the Lord to show some one from the assemblies who have a burden to serve with dedication to the needy and destitute with the mind of Christ. As God provides remuneration will be given with possible staying quarter.

If any of you have a burden to lead this ministry under the local assembly’s guidance and the board, kindly contact me or Br. Shibu K. Mathew, one of the founding members. This is a not just a social service to HIV/AIDS patients, positive children and non HIV elderly ones but a spiritual outreach ministry of the local assembly with co operation from believers of different assemblies.

Hoping that Lord will raise His person for this very vital and effective but challenging ministry,

In Christ,
Raju K. Mathew +91 944 861 9619 || email: || website:
Shibu K. Mathew +91 944 840 3436

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