Published On: Mon, Jan 26th, 2015

Financial Help – Koraput Brethren Assembly Hall Construction, Odisha, India

Koraput Hall contruction Odisha


Dear Brethren in Christ,

Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

By the grace of God we are all keeping well. Since many new believers are coming forward, it has now been difficult for us to sit together in our rented house.

Please pray for our Assembly hall construction that we had started with a limited Assembly fund. So far, we have spent Three Lakh rupees and for the remaining contructon works, we need another One Lakh rupees. Please pray that God would provide for our need and for the works to be completed soon.

We have a joint account in the name KORAPUT BRETHREN ASSEMBLY.
Bank Details:
Central Bank of India
IFSE Code – CBIN0284327
Account No. – 3291246473
Branch – Koraput CBI

With prayers,
Bro. Indubhusan Takri
Bro. Ranjit Benya
Bro. Jagnnath Khora

Contact Address:
Koraput Brethren Assembly
C/o Evg. Sujit Kumar Suna
Aditya Nagar, Koraput 764020
Odisha, India
MOb – 08093755397
E-mail –

[Adelphoi News – Jan 24, 2015]

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