Published On: Thu, Aug 21st, 2014

Ministry Update: ECS Ministries – Aug 5, 2014

ecs-logo300x300medDear Brethren,

Thank you for praying with us!


Puerto Rico – Esther Frey
Pray as another church in the south of the country becomes an associate school where courses will be used and made available to that region.

Australia – John Orr
Please pray for Kellie, a new student, to be able to understand salvation by grace. She recently wrote: “I am trying to be saved by believing in Christ and asking forgiveness, and I am trying to be a better person”. Please pray that she will come to see for sure that it’s not her “goodness” that will get her into heaven but her faith alone in Jesus Christ.

International Coordinator – Jim Fleming
Jim values prayer as he has much to do in preparation for the next trip overseas – to Korea and Japan – in 4 weeks.

Bethel Gospel Chapel Prison Ministry brings the gospel to over 1000 Hispanic student inmates in the State of New Jersey. Please pray for additional gift income for this wonderful Spanish language ministry and coordinator Carlos Botello.

[ECS Ministries – Aug 5, 2014]

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