Pray and Support: Suviseshakan Balasangam, Kerala, India
Palakkad: Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Warm greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Palakkad is the biggest district in Kerala. There are 32 assemblies and 35 evangelists More...

Event: SBS Special Camp, Malabar Division, Kerala, India
Malambhuza, Malabar: A summary of the letter attached is given below: Suviseshakan Bala Sangham (SBS – Childrens Ministry), Malabar Division, Kerala writes: By God’s grace the ministry work by SBS Malabar More...

LIVE Event: SBS General Camp 2013
Puthencavu, Kerala: SBS is planning to hold its next General Camp in September, 2013. Kindly pray and encourage young people from your church to attend it. Venue: SBS Camp Centre, Puthencavu, Kerala Camp Theme: More...

Event: SBS Special Camp 2013, Kerala, India
Puthencavu, Kerala, India: SBS Special Camp 2013 – Report This year the SBS Special Camp was held from 30 July to 2 August 2013. The camp attracted more than 100 participants from Arabian Gulf countries and More...

Event: SBS India – Diamond Jubilee
SBS Diamond Jubilee [1953- 2013] Lord Willing the 60th Anniversary Thanksgiving of Suvisheshakan Balasangham and the biannual General Camp of the SBS is approaching. Please keep the dates reserved!! Dates: 16- More...