Published On: Fri, Nov 3rd, 2017

Pray & Support: Sis. Sheeja Wilson, Kidangannur, Kerala, India

Summary of letter attached:

Sis Sheeja Wilson, 38 years old is in fellowship with the Kidangannur Brethren Assembly. She was diagnosed with an abnormal growth in her kidney at Thiruvalla Believers Hospital and after being admitted at Amritha Hospital, it is learned that the disease has spread to her heart also. An immediate surgery is needed as per the doctors and the cost is INR 6 lakhs. Sis. Sheeja’s husband is an autorickshaw driver and they have three children. The cost for the surgery is beyond their capability and the assembly has taken an initiative to collect funds for the treatment.

Bank Details

Brethren Assembly
Federal Bank, Kidangannur
A/C No. 12040100087990
IFSC # FDRL 0001204

Contact Details
Saji P Mathews
Kindangannur P O
Mob: +91 9447368473

The letter has been signed by Bros. K. Thomas, George Simon & Saji P Mathews

[Adelphoi News – Oct 27, 2017]

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