Ministry Update: ECS Ministries – Sep 12, 2016
Thank you for praying for the many aspects of ECS Ministries.
Prayer Items
Colombia – Gregorio Taborda
Pray for the regional ECS conference, September 15-17. The northern states of Colombia will meet to train and cast a vision for expansion.
Jim Fleming meets this week with Gilberto Vanegas (Regional Coordinator for the northern half of South America) and Gregorio Taborda (Regional Coordinator for Central America) to strategize how to move the work ahead on the continent.
Watch a short clip from Jim Fleming, from Colombia on our Facebook page.
Mary Ann Bell was recently diagnosed with cancer. Mary Ann told Tim Priano that her results showed stage 4 lymphoma, which means they found a few spots of lymphoma in her body. She’s waiting results of a bone marrow biopsy and results should come back in 3 weeks. The good thing is that the doctors know where the cancer is and will be able to provide treatment. Pray for Mary Ann during this time.
Praise report from Rodger Turley: “For three months this year we (Write-Way Prison Ministries) have averaged 93 professions of faith per month, the highest ever. For some reason, known only to God, those trusting Christ have steadily increased. That is very encouraging and affirms that we all have our part in these conversions – the one pulling the courses, the one stuffing the envelopes, the one who takes it all to the post office, the one who opens the mail, the grader, the one posting and changing addresses, and the one cleaning and taking the trash out. The Harvest Field is vast and it takes the whole Body of Christ working together to offer up our labors to the Holy Spirit who draws, convicts, and seals. And then the Passion of Christ is vindicated.”
Praise Announcement!
Pray for Ed Wolff (MI) and Victoria Bressner (IL). Both Ed and Victoria attended our Prison Ministry Conference in June and met for the first time. They began a friendship and last week got engaged! We are very happy for them and their future plans together!
ECS – Dubuque
Pray for ladies from ECS and Dubuque who will be attending a conference in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Pray for a good response to the materials.