Praise: New Assembly Testimony – Christian Brethren Assembly, Wardha, Maharashtra, India
Dear brethren,
Greeting in the most exalted name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is our joy to inform you that by the grace of God and constant labour of bretheren from Nagpur assembly the first new assembly testimony has been established in Wardha district of Maharashtra on 3 April, 2016 when 7 local believers took baptism along with 5 others in Christian Bretheren Assembly, Nagpur. We praise God that it is now 4 months that God has been so faithful in blessing all of us.
Brethren, again we need your support of prayer since another 10 believers have asked for baptism. God willing on 30 July, 2016, this Saturday, there will be the first baptism service by Christian Brethren Assembly, Wardha.
After this baptism there will be 17 local believers partaking in Lord’s table along with my family and two other brothers and sister. So that makes 21 believers.
At present we are gathering in one of believers house for fellowship, prayer, Bible study and worship, three days a week, so also please pray for small hall that we may get on rent.
Thanking you for all your prayers
On behalf of Cristian Brethren Assembly, Wardha. Maharashtra
Santosh Pawar (evangelist)
Mob. No. +91 9049170677
E mail.
[Santosh Pawar]