Ministry Update: ECS Ministries – July 25, 2016
Thank you for praying for the many aspects of ECS Ministries.
Prayer Items
ECS Dubuque – Please pray for Terry Wilson this week, as he transitions into the Director position. He still has some remaining responsibilities at Camp Li-Lo-Li. Pray for he and Shirley during this time.
Cuba – Angel Medina
Praise for a visit from missionaries in Colombia who are a great support to the Emmaus Cuba team. They brought a laptop and printer for the office. Pray for the funds to build a little office building on the church property – only $2,500. Can you help? Pray that the printer can get supplies to print courses.
Germany – Wim Hoddenbagh
Wim, ZAM’s coordinator for Emmaus Kenya, Ethiopia, Egypt etc. has not felt well for some months. A change in diabetes medication has helped some. Pray the Lord’s mercy and healing!
Wim Hoddenbagh made contact in Germany with a “worker” to Morocco who loved the Emmaus courses when he saw them, took Arabic versions back to Morocco and they are now investigating the possibility of getting an ECS school started in that ‘closed’ country. Pray!! Wim adds: “We hope to go to Algiers and Tunisia also. I will send Bro. Ayman I am not in a good condition to do so now.” We need this man well. Pray!
India – Jacob K C
“Please pray for funds to meet the fast growing printing and promotion expenses. Praise God for this problem!
Texas – Rodger Turley
“In June and July we provided training for those using the new database, GradesysPro. In just days we will formally transition from the old system to the new Internet database. It is more flexible, stores more data, and gives the Branch an opportunity to actually handle all aspects of their students.” Pray for this exciting transition!