Published On: Fri, Jul 15th, 2016

Ministry Update: ECS Ministries – Jul 11, 2016

ecs-logo300x300medDear Brethren,
Thank you for praying for the many aspects of ECS Ministries.

Prayer Items

Oklahoma – Ron Goossen
“It has happened several times in the past; just as we plan to expand the ministry, finances become extremely tight. It is no different this time. As I write this e-mail, our packets to students are stacking up in the office due to a lack of finances to send them out. It is exciting to see what God does in these situations. Please pray with us for God’s provision, not only for sending these packets out, but for His provision for expansion of the ministry. We have ALWAYS seen God provide, and know that He will do it again.”

Pray for Daniel Kahn, the proposed new director for High Desert Prison Ministries in California. Daniel will likely be taking over for Doug Crabb in the next few months. Please pray for a smooth transition.

Texas – Rodger Turley
Prayer that Write-Way can pull out of some recent financial doldrums, reserve funds have been decreased at a pretty good clip in 2016.

Singapore – Robert Hmar
1. Pray for 9 new Emmaus students contacted through our radio program
2. Pray for the Gospel Rally July 15-17. We will use What the Bible Teaches as follow up.
3. Pray for Filipina lady recently saved at camp. She is studying Lessons for Christian Living and Servant of God.

Cuba – Angel Medina
“We ask prayer for Emmaus in Cuba because we have difficulties with literature. Our stocks have been completely depleted and we no longer have materials to distribute. Those enrolled request new courses and we cannot meet the needs. Pray for promoters and proofreaders meeting to be held on July 17.”
ECS Ministries Announcement:
Terry Wilson has been appointed to the role of Executive Director and will officially start work on July 18, 2016.
Click here to check out pictures and more detailed information about Terry.

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