Published On: Thu, Jul 28th, 2016

3 day Bible class: Understanding Bible Prophecies Correctly, Kerala, India

dr-george-johnson-torontoKumbanad, Pathanamthitta: 

3 Day Bible Class: Understanding Bible Prophecies Correctly
By Dr. George Johnson, Toronto, Canada
On July 28-30, ThursdaySaturday (7:00-8:30 pm)
At Kumbanad Brethren Assembly Hall, Kumbanad, Kerala

 Live will be available at

Majority of Christians in the world (from Catholic, orthodox and reformed churches) believe in a simpler eschatology, in which Christ would return one day and there would be a general resurrection and a general judgement of all humans at that time (to separate the saved from the unsaved). According to them, there wouldn’t be a rapture, tribulation period or millennial kingdom in connection with the second coming. Only Evangelical Christians (about 15%) believe differently. What is the truth? In this seminar, convincing and irrefutable answers will be reached for the following questions:

1. Is the fifth kingdom (the kingdom of God) for the nation of Israel, prophesied in Dan 2 & 7 and in other OT prophecies, a spiritual kingdom or a physical kingdom? Is this fifth kingdom already established as the church, and therefore, there will not be a physical kingdom on the earth in future?

2. Has the spiritual kingdom today (the church) nullified the prophesied earthly kingdom for Israel?

3. Are we in the millennial kingdom now because of the church age, and is Christ ruling from the Throne of David from heaven?

4. If the church is the fifth kingdom on the earth today; in order to establish this kingdom, has the Lord Jesus already returned on the clouds of heaven in the first century AD (Dan 7:13-14)?

5. If the church is the fifth kingdom on the earth today, were the right political situations present in the first century AD when the kingdom (the church) was established (e.g., the 10-nation federation, Dan 2:44)?

6. Is the church the spiritual Israel? If so, can we spiritualize all prophecies made to Israel and apply them to the church?

7. Were all the prophecies related to the nation of Israel fulfilled by AD 70; and no more prophecies to be fulfilled in future (e.g., the 70 week prophecy; the Mount Olivet prophecies etc.)?

8. Were all the re-gathering prophecies about Israel and Judah fulfilled when the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity; and therefore today’s re-gathering of the Jews and the nation of Israel not Biblical?

9. Has God rejected the nation of Israel forever for rejecting the Messiah, and chosen the church in its place (The Replacement Theology)?

10. If God has no separate plans for the church and the nation of Israel, would that mean that there would be no rapture for the church and no tribulation period or millennial kingdom for the nation of Israel? Is it Biblical to believe that at the end there would be only one general resurrection and a general judgement for all humans (to separate the saved from the unsaved)?

Please attend this Bible Class to find answers to the above questions!
(The classes will be in Malayalam)

Dr. George Johnson has been a Research Fellow and a Lecturer in Biology in different colleges and high schools in India; and now continuing teaching in Canada. He conducts seminars on creation-evolution issues, writes articles on Christian Apologetics and serves as an elder in Hilltop Chapel, Toronto, Canada.

[Adelphoi News – July 25, 2016]

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