Notice: Distribution of VBS Materials (Hindi, Odiya, Bengali), India
VBS Material for 2015 is ready for distribution. Language – Hindi, Odiya and Bengali
Topic –Mein akela nahin (I am not alone) stories based on the book of Daniel
Work books
A Group (Age 3-7)
B Group (Age 8-11)
C Group (Age 12- 15)
Flash card, Badges, and certificate
VBS Material is available with the brethren mentioned bellow. It is free within our assemblies but packing & courier charges are applied to get these materials.
- Bihar _____________ Samson Dcruz ___._ __ +919431287603
- Jharkhand __._______ Santosh Thomas __. .__ +919431130895, +919334393081
- Chhattisgarh ________ Harbhusan Rawna _ .__ +919406065441
- Madhya Pradesh ._____ Sesan Abraham __ _.__ +919826388746, +918827391920
- Utter Pradesh ___.____ Samuel Thomas(Moni).. +918130803839
- Rajasthan _____._____ Darshan Singh __._..__ +919828038926
- Haryana _____.______ Vir Pal Singh _______ +919416376710
- Punjab ______.______ Justine Zachariah .__ ._ +919417734245
- West Bengal _________ Amit Adhikary __. _.__ +919007662122, +919143022969
- Odisha ___._________ Sujit Kumar Suna _.._._ +919438640106, +918093755397
- Andman Nicobar __.___ Georgy Jacob _____…_ +919474270207
- Other States _________ P.Samson ______… . _ +919934534152
[Arabian Voice – May 04, 2015]