Ministry Update: Evg. Vir Pal Singh, Haryana, India
Chhachhrauli, Yamuna Nagar:
Dear brethren,
By the grace of God, the ministries of the Assembly with its various activities like Sunday school, Sisters’ meeting,
Youth meeting, Emmaus class, Prayer Meeting and Bible study are going on well. We had Gospel meeting from 15th December to 5th January. Pray for those who received tracts and booklets and heard the Gospel through these meetings.
Many heard the good news through this ministry and in the recent past, 2 new families have accepted the Lord as their personal Saviour and attend the fellowship regularly. Please pray for their spiritual growth. 11 Brothers and Sister’s witnessed the Lord in the water of baptism on April 04, 2015. Please pray for their spiritual growth.
During summer, we will be arranging VBS programme in 5 places. About 350 children mainly from non-Christian background will be attending it. Please pray that the Lord may grant us favourable climate, financial needs and sufficient VBS literature.
Bro. Sabu Samuel from Pallippad, Kerala visited us in December; also Bro. Charley John from Agra visited us in March; he shared from the word of God in three places. It was a blessed time for all of us. The current political scenario not being so favourable for the Gospel, earnest prayers are requested. We have an urgent need of a two-wheeler. Please remember it in your prayers.
Please continue to uphold me, my wife Eliyet Singh as we both are busy in assembly activities and daughter Josephine Singh who is in her 1st year of MBA in your personal prayers. I am really grateful to all of you who constantly uphold us in your precious prayers and fellowship.
My Address:
Mr. Vir Pal Singh
Masihi Mandali
Dist. YamunaNagar
Haryana, India – 135 103.
Mobile: +91-9416376710
Yours by His Grace,
Evg. Vir pal Singh
[Adelphoi News – May 04, 2015]
Dec 04, 2014
Brethren pray for us
Our Assembly is prayerfully planning to have Gospel outreach from 15th to 25th December and evening gospel meeting in 8 places in, Chhachhrauli, Yamunannagar District,
Haryana. I request the Brethren to stand with us in prayers so that we may win many perishing souls in this area and this is only possible by the prayers of His holy
saints. This time the Lord has opened a unique opportunity to minister amongst the non- Christian and we want to make the most of it by sharing to them from the
Prayer Requests:
1. The repentance & genuine conversion of souls.
2. Pray that the Lord may grant us favourable climate.
3. God’s protection in the midst of problems.
4. Pray that the Lord may provide financial needs.
5. Please pray that the Lord may provide sufficient literature.
Please remember all these needs in yours personal prayers.
Yours by His Grace,
Evg. Vir Pal Singh
Mobile No. +91-9416376710
[Adelphoi News]
July 04, 2014
Dear brethren,
Warm Greetings in the matchless name our Lord Jesus Christ. I am grateful to each one of you for your precious prayers and concern towards me, my family and ministry.
May the Lord bless each one of you abundantly and continue to use you for the extension of His glorious Kingdom. I thank the Lord that he is faithful to me for the
last 30 years in the ministry in this place. There are 87 brothers and sisters in Sunday worship. All are local believers and all of them take part in the Lords
Supper. We will surely remember you all in our prayers.
By the grace of God, the ministry of the Assembly with its various activities such as Sunday worship, Sunday school, Sisters meeting, Youth meeting, Emmaus class,
Prayer Meeting and Bible study are going on well. On June 21st, four brothers and sisters obeyed the Lord in waters of Baptism; please remember them in your prayers
for their spiritual growth. In the month of May, during the summer holidays, we had V.B.S in 6 villages. Many non Christian children attended V.B.S; they are the means
of sharing the gospel to non Christian people. There were about 345 children from age group 3-7, 8-11 and 12-16.
Please pray for my health. I have got hernia which needs to be operated. As for now I am taking homeopathic treatment.
Please continue to uphold me, my wife Eliyet Singh as we both are busy in Assembly activities and daughter Josephine Singh who is in her first year of MBA in your
personal prayers. I am really grateful to all of you who constantly uphold us in your precious prayers and fellowship. May the Lord use us mightily for His own glory.
Yours by His Grace,
Vir Pal Singh (Evangelist)
Mr. Vir Pal Singh
Masihi Mandali Church
Yamunannagar District
Haryana, India-135 103
[Adelphoi News]