Published On: Fri, May 8th, 2015

Ministry Update: Echoes of Service – May 04, 2015


Prayer Items:

Clark and Hazel Logan – We have been informed that Clark’s father was called Home on 27 April. Please pray for Clark, Hazel, and all the family at this time.

John and Yokey Roberts (DPG Kenya 1966-2013) – Every compound in the city of Nairobi is guarded by a watchman (security officer) and they are given authority to stop anyone from entering. They work 12-hour shifts, six or seven days a week, for very little money, with the risk of being harmed; they often have ‘day jobs’ to supplement their income. Pray for safety as John ministers to the watchmen and that he would see some come to faith in Christ.

Steve and Jo Grove – Pray for them that as they share the Gospel with various youth groups, encouraging them to read the Scriptures and responding to their questions on spiritual matters. Pray that those who attend these groups would come to know Christ personally. Pray for Frank who wants to study mission and for a young man who, six years ago, was part of the youth discipleship group and who recently has returned to take the devotion at the boys study group.

Ronnie and Anne Cairns (DPG 1960-2012 Japan) have just returned from a six week trip to Japan where they visited a number of assemblies, encouraging the believers, teaching, attending meetings, and participating in evangelism and hospitality. It was a privilege for them to bring the Gospel by preaching and through one-to-one conversations.

It was also a joy to meet many who had confessed Christ as students in the 1980s, and now, with their families, witness by their lives lived for the Lord. Pray for those whom Ronnie and Anne met, that in their love for the Scriptures and zeal for evangelism, they would see many come to Christ despite difficult social and cultural barriers.

Yunis Lal Din went to be with the Lord on 29 April. Please pray for all the family at this time.

Pray for churches throughout Pakistan. Many have received notice from the authorities demanding improvement to security facilities within 20 days at places of worship, or face a large fine or the imprisonment of the pastor. These measures include barriers at gates, metal detectors, guard posts, closed-circuit cameras and 24hr armed guards.

Financing this last requirement will be beyond the monthly income of many churches. Pray for those in leadership as they guide congregations in their respond to this.

Malcolm and Hannah Coombes (senior workers) plan to distribute Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John, in French, to people in towns within their region. They will also take with them Gospels and New Testaments in Arabic and literature in other languages. Pray that the Lord will guide them to distribute these to the appropriate people.

William and Liz Irwin ask prayer for neighbouring friends who have just found out that their young son is suffering from an addiction. In the past these neighbours have been open to talking about spiritual matters. Please pray that as William and Liz support the family through this crisis, there would be more opportunities to witness to them.

Noel and Liza McMeekin would value prayer as Noel will be speaking at a two-week outreach in Armagh, beginning 10 May. He will travel to Armagh each evening and would value prayer for safety, for blessing on his ministry, and that God will lead some to faith in the Saviour. In addition, a ladies’ ‘Fit for Life’ outreach will run each Tuesday evening in May. In the past around 50 local ladies have joined together for a walk, supper and listened to a Gospel message.

Peter and Mhairi Fleck – The Algeciras assembly is having a special outreach event in the main park of the town (María Cristina) on 9 May. Please pray that as the Word is preached and literature handed out, many contacts will be made and conversations will take place.

Ken and Alison Barrett – During June Lydia Evans (UK) and Rebecca Guevara (USA) will be helping at the Kofi Jaus (coffee house), which is the community outreach of the Alcala church. Pray that as they assist at Kofi Jaus and learn from this experience, it will prove a blessing to them and to others. In addition, on 9th May, the Alcala church children and their friends take part in the Madrid Evangelical Olympics, which is a day of sport and testimony, organised among and for the churches. Please pray for a clear presentation of the Gospel in the course of the day among the many non-Christian families taking part.

Roger and Yvonne Malstead – ‘The Jesus Accounts’ film is now available in Kurdish. Pray for those who distribute copies, and for those who will watch them.

Benjamin and Gill Daniel – ‘DB’, an elder and friend of Benji who lives in the Nepal area has arrived in Pokhara with other believers, to take supplies to affected areas that have not so far received any help. Once the track reaches the end of the road, supplies will have to be carried over treacherous paths. Pray for safety and wisdom, that those in need will receive help and for future open doors for the furtherance of the Gospel.

Josh Barr will be flying to Zambia on 11 May to begin his placement at the GLO Alive centre. Pray for safety in travel and that his three months in Zambia will be an enriched time to develop his relationship with the Lord. Please also pray for Hazel Currie in Zambia and Abigail Pennington in Peru as God continues to work in their lives, both challenging and encouraging them.

Please join with us in praying for these matters.

Echoes of Service


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