Ministry Update: Evg. Paul Adams, Tamil Nadu, India
For Praise and Prayer
Dear Beloved Brethren in Christ,
Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you very much for your Love, prayer, and all the encouragement till now in our ministry. We praise and give all the Glory to God.
By God’s grace I am actively involved in the Lord’s ministry at Kovilankulam [Karumathur] Madurai District of Tamil Nadu, India. By God’s grace our village Assembly and Ministry is going on well. Every Sunday we gather for worship meeting from 9.00 am to 12.00, Followed by Sunday school, after that Youth Meeting would take place at evening. Bible study and prayer meeting on Wednesday, Friday at KovilanKulam Village [Karumadur], and Saturday we have House Visiting ministry and cottage meeting at evening.
By God’s grace we had One day outreach and Special Gospel Meeting at Chellampatti village and Manalipatti village, Madurai, Tamil Nadu,India. On July 9, 2014. Word of God was shared by Bro. Vivek (Evg) Madurai and Bro Muthuraman Joshua (Evg) Madurai shared his testimony, it was also profitable for our people. Seven Evangelists participated. It was tremendously blessed and few were saved on that day and specially our son S.P. Berlin Joshua also was saved by God’s grace We deeply value your prayer for the continual blessing.
Coming 27.08.14 we have One day out reach and Gospel Meeting in our Village (Chellampatti). Few evangelists will participate. Message by Bro. Antony (Evg) (Madurai). Please pray for God’s blessing and needs to be met. Thank You.
Yours in Him,
GM.Paul Adams Evg
7/301, MP House,
Nethaji St, Checkanurani.
Theni main road, Madurai-625514.
[Sep 1, 2014]
Dear Brethren in Christ,
Loving greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.Thank you very much for your love, prayer, and your encouragement till now in us and our ministry. We praise and give all the Glory to God. By God’s grace our ministry is going on well. In September 2014 , we had house visiting, open-air and SPL Gospel meeting on 23, 24 and 27. Bro. B.Antony, Madurai Tamil Nadu gave the message. It was very useful for all who attend the meeting. On the 14th and 15th of October 2014 there is also another outreach and SPL Gospel meeting in the same Chellampatti and Changampatti village. It was also very fruitful. Bro.James Cherian, Madurai Tamil Nadu gave the message and Bro.M.Eswaran Abraham, Genguvarpatti Theni T.N. participate in ministry. We praise God. Both these ministry were conducted by the Kovilan Kulam ( Karumathur) Brethren Assembly. Again in December we have decided to conduct 3day special Gospel Campaign on 15,16 and 17 for this campaign we have invited Bro. K C Ravi,Alappuzha,Kerala and few Evangelists from Kerala,and also few of the Evangelists from Tamil Nadu. For the very success of this Special Gospel Campaign. We deeply value your prayer for the blessing and needs.
Our contact address.
Paul Adams Evg,
No.7/301, Nethaji street,
Checkanurani, Madurai-625514,
Tamil Nadu, S.INDIA.
Mobile. 09245868040.
Email. ID. Pauladams591@gmail. com.
[Nov 3, 2014]