Ministry Update: ECS Ministries – Sep 30, 2014
ECS Europe – pray for Gil Vargas as he helps in various countries as a Regional Coordinator, and as he plans an ECS Europe conference for next June.
Pray for International Prison Ministries
In many of our countries like: Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, Colombia, Macau, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, England and many more. Pray for access; outreach to prisoners; finances for 100% subsidized work; follow-up of those released.
New Jersey – Don Dunkerton
“It is exciting to see the Lord work in the hearts of these Hispanic inmates. Pray that many more will sign up for the courses and then continue on in the program.”
New Jersey – Carlos Botello
“We need more financial support from God’s people, and thanksgiving to the Lord for where He’s taken us.”
Ed Goodwin reported that Randy Gruber will be traveling to the South Carolina & Georgia areas this coming weekend to help promote the prison ministry work. Mark Wainwright also sent a DVD of inmate testimonies to encourage the folks as well. Pray that the current volunteers would be energized and that some new helpers may come forth.
Update from Mark Wainwright.
Mark had to have another surgery on his eye on Monday (September 29). This is from his wife, Kari. “Just finished talking to the surgeon regarding Mark’s surgery and he said that everything went well and Mark is doing well. They found another small tear next to the original tear where fluid was still leaking and getting behind the retina. They were able to laser this area then place a gas bubble. Prayers are still needed for the next few days as he has to remain face down and as he recovers.
[ECS Ministries – Sep 30, 2014]